Take a look at this research and view important findings on the progress of diversity and inclusion practice in Australia
You will have access to some interesting findings an data:
- High level findings of maturity against our D&I Maturity Strategy Impact Model (TM)
- View progress against 11 dimensions of D&I that matter!
- Access survey data (n = 71) May/July '23.
For more information click below
There is a mountain of research and literature describing the phenomenon of unconscious bias, yet a paucity of practical steps to mitigate these automated 'mind bugs'
Sharing the results of our strategy maturity findings at the AHRI D&I Conference.
We examined the maturity of 80 organisations and have some fascinating insights to conclude.
Click below to take you to the survey results.
Converting good intentions of a critical mass can accelerate efforts and deliver a more inclusive workplace culture. This short video explains some of the innovate ways of doing this.
For more click here to gain access to a short video explaining several methods.
Inclusion remains illusive for many because workplaces have not been clear nor prioritised a 'respect for all' culture and understanding the difference between earned and owed respect. Productivity suffers because teamwork suffers and retention drops but few link this to low levels of respect.
For more click below.
Presented at the International Conference on Diversity in Organisations, Communities & Nations, 10 - 12 June 2020.
Abstract is outlined via the READ MORE button below. Copy of presentation: Please use the Contact page HERE.
Working remotely has it challenges. Reconnecting in the traditional workplace is still some way off. BC (before Covid) did any of us know we had a Working From Home (WFH) Style? Get your free WFH style report and DIY coaching guide - click on READ MORE .
"When I feel included I can focus my energy on doing my job and not worry about having to fit in". This is such a telling statement and one that goes to the heart of genuine inclusion.
How a 1950's management tool can shed light on improving transparency, openness and inclusion in today’s workplaces
This week we launched a new program to more deeply embed #inclusion and #respect as part of workplace culture change. Participants took time out to reflect on the everyday assumptions we make about our colleagues at work.